Good to have second painting on the go.
The clockwork bird was a car boot bargain - £1.00 and Buzz was 50p.
I like this first stage when its loose and free it will be lovely to keep it like this. The Framer will be sorted next week, he is 2 villages away - best to buy local and he is really good.
You can see the varied green ground showing through. The only green in the still life were the few bits on Buzz. Using a varied green ground will make it easier to balance these within the painting.
The clockwork bird was a car boot bargain - £1.00 and Buzz was 50p.
I like this first stage when its loose and free it will be lovely to keep it like this. The Framer will be sorted next week, he is 2 villages away - best to buy local and he is really good.
You can see the varied green ground showing through. The only green in the still life were the few bits on Buzz. Using a varied green ground will make it easier to balance these within the painting.